Like ChatGPT But 10x Better

Get your very own AI that's free, uncensored, private, and 100% available at all times - even offline!

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Tailor Your AI Experience: DIY or Hassle-Free

Step into the world of AI with

Choose our free software for a DIY AI experience.

Or select our pre-configured hardware for an out-of-the-box solution.

The EasyStart.AI Philosophy

Why Everyone's Buzzing About Generative AI and ChatGPT

In the digital era, businesses are racing ahead with something called generative AI, and ChatGPT is a big name in the game. It's like having a super-smart assistant who can write, chat, and think – kind of.

From automating customer service to whipping up marketing content, these AI tools are changing the game for businesses big and small.

What We Bring to the Table: The Local AI Solution

But here's the thing – we've taken this AI craze a step further. Our EasyStart.AI offers all the cool stuff of ChatGPT and then some.

It's more than just AI; it's a smarter, safer, and more flexible way to get ahead. Here’s a simple look at how EasyStart.AI stacks up against ChatGPT:

Features EasyStart.AI ChatGPT
What it Can Do Does a ton, and even better than ChatGPT Good for talking and writing
Cost to Use Absolutely free, no hidden fees May have fees for full features
Keeping Your Info Safe Super secure with the best protection Safe, but varies based on the provider
Works Without Internet? Yep, even offline! Nope, needs internet
Free to Use How You Want Always ready, no limits Some restrictions and rules
Worth the Price? One-time buy, no ongoing costs Ongoing costs for full access
Keeping Up-to-Date Update and customize as you like Updates as per the company’s schedule


Why EasyStart.AI is a Game Changer

🇺🇸 Freedom and Flexibility: Go beyond what typical AI offers. Customize it, use it offline – your AI, your rules.

🔐 Security is Key: We're all about keeping your data safe. With us, what’s yours stays yours.

💰 Cost-Effective Brilliance: Forget about ongoing fees. One purchase, and you're set with a cutting-edge AI companion.

🏎️ Upgrade on Your Terms: Want new features? You got it. You're in control of how your AI evolves.


How does it work?

Our approach is straightforward: find the latest and most efficient hardware on the market that also offers the best value.This means our GPTFreedom laptops are always at the forefront of technology.

As new capabilities and hardware emerge, we release updated versions of GPTFreedom, ensuring that our users always have access to the most advanced and cost-effective AI technology. Continuous research and innovation is how provides the latest, most powerful and most user-friendly solutions.

Join the Revolution

Step into the future with EasyStart.AI. It's not just about keeping up; it's about getting ahead. Try now and experience the difference of smart, secure, and savvy AI.

Join our Community

Interested in learning more about how people are using Join the Discord community here.


What operating system do I need to run the software bundle?

Mac or Linux (Windows coming soon)

What kind of hardware do I need to run the software bundle?

Newer computers with modern GPUs are usually satisfactory to run the software bundle. For example, a MacBook Air with an M2 chip is a good option. Machines with GPUs like RTX 3060 as well as adequate RAM (16GB minimum) are capable enough to run the software bundle. More capable applications are available for more powerful GPU and CPU setups (example: RTX 4090 GPU and i9 CPU). 

Can I build my own GPTFreedom machine?

Yes - in fact, we encourage it! Join our community on Discord to learn more about this.
